Fresno County Offering Online Course On African American History

Students will learn about the contributions of historical figures and leaders who have championed African American culture.

FRESNO, CALIF. (KFSN) -- Fresno County educators are taking action, expanding access to education about African American history and the Civil Right Movement.

Online courses are now available through the county's website.

The five-unit digital course includes the geography and political history of West Africa, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and a look at slavery in the United States.

Through guided reading, writing and critical analysis, students will also learn about the significant contributions of historical figures and leaders who have championed African American culture.

"It's going to be a fantastic course for students, and it's really something that we are very proud of because again, it was a labor of love for three years, and the result is a phenomenal outline of African history," sats Cyber High Program Coordinator Sharon Manning.

Cyber High is run by the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools.


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