Open letter to the Malian people: The homeland is in danger, it must be saved!

Sissoko Cheick Oumar. Image via Vieux Mali Film

Our responsibilities are great. We must recognize our deviations, errors and other betrayals that have plunged our country and the Sahel into TOTAL Crap. And it's not over. With the decline of Islamic State in the Middle East, there is a great risk that the Islamic State for the Greater Sahara (EIGS) will strengthen and make our region the sanctuary of all the terrorists on earth. We must prepare for it with modern, equipped, structured armies. This is the role of our weak state today. It needs to be strong before any autonomy or federalism which would inevitably lead us to chaos. Cheick Oumar Sissoko, filmmaker and former minister, writes to the Malian people.

The killers are carpet in the four Regions of Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu, Kidal, and elsewhere in our country, but also in Mauritania, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Niger. The Demon prepares them in Mauritania, in Kidal and Gossi. He uses them in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger for economic and geostrategic challenges. Our camps are under attack. Our mobile troops are under deadly ambushes. Their camps and troops never experience such setbacks. You will say to me: they are unassailable because they are very well organized and better armed. I would then answer you: And the Boulkessy / Mondoro military camp on the 1st October 2019 - 40 killed, the Indélimane / Ménaka military camp on November 1, 2019 - 54 killed. They were pounded with mortar before the savage hordes of rebels and terrorists attacked. Why then none of the 4 French bases of Gao, Gossi, Kidal and Tessalit have ever experienced such shelling which is done remotely. The demon is watching. The International Community, France at the head, is this demon that must be exorcised. She wants to destroy us for their interests. The facts don't lie.

How can we restore purity to our soiled soil? Another professor, Prof. Many CAMARA guide us in these words, I quote: '' We must make our people control their destiny by making sacred 4 non-negotiable principles :

1- May our people in all circumstances decide sovereignly on the conduct of national affairs.

2- That the material and moral interests of Mali and the Malians are the primordial and absolute reference of our leaders.

3- That our country is and will remain one and indivisible.

4- That each Malian can have a recognized place in his country, and have the opportunity to eat to his satisfaction, to find accommodation, to be cared for, educated, to work, to undertake and to accomplish there his plans, in short, to flourish in order to have a dignified and honorable end of life.

To translate these sacred principles into reality, this will require collective commitments, national pacts negotiated and accepted by all:

- A national horizontal and vertical / intergenerational solidarity pact

- A national pact for the development of the workforce, creation and innovation;

- A national pact of scrupulous respect and safeguarding of public goods;

- A national loyalty pact in Mali and Africa. End of quote.

If this is not one of the conclusions of the inclusive national dialogue, it is at least a vision and a sketch of a program to take into account.

In any case, in view of the situation portrayed and based on an investigation and easily verifiable facts, whatever the very respectable Ambassador of France Nicolas Normand says, to whom I will make an appropriate response on the enormous interests of his country in Mali that he denies, it clearly appears that the war ravaging our country is imposed on us.

This war has been long thought out, carefully prepared by a State which is aware of its short, medium and long term interests, as it did in Côte d'Ivoire in the 2000s, with the support of the international community and the Financial capital, against Presidents Bédié and Gbagbo. The French State, in the defense and the preservation of its interests, and it is a constancy, is at the origin of this war. He is the owner. He aroused it and he directly committed to it after having encouraged our Transitional Authorities to send him an invitation to intervene to save us.'', which he did in record time, blithely violating the laws of the Republic, so dear to him, however. As in Ivory Coast or Biafra, the thousands of deaths were planned and necessary in the control program of the coveted territories. The end justifies the means. The recent history of coups, assassinations, military interventions, economic war, electoral manipulations, manipulation of the United Nations, of the ICC which have not ceased to destabilize our countries, are not fantasies Mr. Ambassador Nicolas Normand, but established policies that the written and published memories of French political leaders reveal in addition to your secret defense documents opened after 50 years.

Our country and the Sahel are thus living in an extremely serious situation. And listening to the French senior officers who are now sent to the front line, we really have serious reasons to worry.

First General Lecointre, chief of staff of the French armies. He predicts 15 to 30 years for Barkhane or Takouba to end this war for a whole generation of Malians. Thank you, General, we appreciate. Next, Colonel Hogard, director of the cabinet of strategic intelligence. He suggests setting up a single military high command, which was selected on January 13, 2020 to meet Pau, and a political project with a vision with the objective of creating a federation of the South and the North on the background of '' an analysis of a silliness that does not honor his rank. These are two other great minds who want to shave our heads in our absence. Still the colonial habit!

However, as I pointed out at the start of my remarks, our responsibilities in what happens to us are great. In fact, we have reaped what we have sown since 1968. France has worked to establish regimes for her devotion: 1968 Charles de Gaulle and Jacques Foccart; 1992 François Mitterrand; 2013 François Hollande. We, political and civil society leaders have accepted their dictates for our particular interests. The army was specifically broken for what remained of it in 1991 by our care on the request of France anxious to trace a big boulevard for the rebellion which it never stopped preparing. She even managed to maintain in the National Pact of 1992 the designation AZAWAD already cited in 1991 in the 1991 Tamanrasset Agreement to designate the imaginary territory of the rebellion, in 1989-1990. Edgar Pisani was then Advisor to François Mitterrand who in fact sent him, in 1991-92 to participate with Ahmed Baba Miské, in the work of drawing up the said National Pact that the transition had wanted to organize in our territory in 2 phases in Ségou and Mopti.

In 2014 and 2015, we made the mistake of giving our confidence to Algeria and France to lay down the Algiers agreement, which is a knot rope running around our neck. France, still her, has us pardoned and freed war criminals, making them their proteges and figureheads of their plot.

Our responsibilities are great. We must recognize our deviations, errors and other betrayals that plunged our country and the Sahel into TOTAL Crap. And it's not over. With the decline of Islamic State in the Middle East, there is a great risk that the Islamic State for the Greater Sahara (EIGS) will strengthen and make our region the sanctuary of all the terrorists on earth. We must prepare for it with modern, equipped, structured armies. This is the role of our weak state today. It needs to be strong before any autonomy or federalism which would inevitably lead us to chaos.

We have denounced France, we cannot forget to sweep outside our door. And we must stop playing the ostrich policy.

The Fatherland is in danger! We must save her. Not in 15 or 30 years. We must save her now. And it is all together that we will manage to do it with determination, love and courage. Otherwise what legacy will we leave for our children?

How should the people of Mali do concretely, to EXORCIZE THE DEMON?

- 1. We need a strong National Army, equipped, secure, modern.

A surge of support and national solidarity for the FAMA must materialize by a national subscription to arm them decently and to secure their families. Each region must make its contribution. This is the FIRST REQUIREMENT of the sacred union of Malians rid of the demon who inhabits them and who distances them from the love of HOMELAND.

- 2. The People of Mali, mobilized everywhere, and standing on the ramparts, can and must:
a) To give formal notice to France, the United Nations, Qatar, Mauritania and Algeria, which has become amnesiac, to stop their games of support for the rebels who are one with Iyad Ag Ghali, and they know it .
b) Require transparency on military spending, military equipment, recruiting of soldiers. Civil society and the National Assembly must ensure this.
c) Demand the revision on the Malian territory of the Algiers Agreement, the disarmament and cantonment of the rebels, and, of course, the revision of the Defense Cooperation Treaty with France. We certainly need military aid and support, but we do not need foreign military bases on our soil. We have a state that must assume responsibility. The 1st Republic under Modibo Keita had created a National Army, the 1stOctober 1960, ten days after independence. On January 20, 1961, the decision to evacuate the French bases of Bamako, Kati, Gao and Tessalit was taken. On September 5, 1961, the last French soldiers left our territory. These two (02) dates are respectively symbolized by a public holiday, National Army Day, and by a street which leaves from the Place de l'Indépendance and which crosses the air base of Bamako.

Three (03) years later, on August 21, 1964, President Modibo Keita declared at a press conference I quote: '' We are convinced that what will be fatal for Africa, therefore for all of us, it will be the development of foreign intervention. However, we know that no people can accept to be humiliated, to feel each time under the domination of a foreign power, of another people. This is the current case of Congo. Personally, I must tell you that I am very worried about this situation, not only for the Congo itself, but also for the neighboring States and later for all of us. (in Migrances 2019- The urgency to silence arms.)

This point c) must be related to national and international opinion with a communication structure that has been sorely lacking in the State of Mali.

We need financial resources for war and for our development.

It is necessary:
a) Reduce the burdens of the State by a first measure to reduce the size of the government to 20 (twenty) members, even in the case of a government of national unity. A competent and patriotic minister can manage his department with the support and the good organization of his directorates. Abolish exorbitant special allowances for heads of institutions and departments. Improve the tax and customs revenue system.

b) Redefine the operating rules of our economy regulated since 1979 by International Capital. After 40 years, the result is disastrous.

c) Revise the Mining Code, the contracts for the transfer of our mineral resources, the tax and customs clauses. Our potentials must benefit our development and " kill the war" , to quote Samory Touré: " Man is only great in peace. War must be killed . '' And we will add " We must also kill corruption".

d) make the education of our children a priority.


KIDAL is the center of all the tragedies in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. KIDAL must be released. The State of Mali must entirely occupy KIDAL with a strong civil and military administration supported by the troops of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) who will not play the game of the International Community as in the war against Ivory Coast and Laurent Gbagbo.

In this regard, " the return to Kidal of the reconstituted Malian army planned for the end of January " announced with great publicity after the famous January 13 meeting in Pau (led by Emmanuel Macron, as usual, with force contempt, arrogance and condescension towards the heads of state of the Sahel, while qualifying as unworthy mercenaries in the service of other ill-intentioned powers the citizens of our countries opposed to the imperialist policy of France) is only eye powder and one more trap.

Indeed, it is a contingent of a few hundred men made up of elements of the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) and rebels without any guarantee of security of the government component by international forces.

Moreover, and it is an open secret today, that in the Secret Amendment imposed by the rebels of the Coordination of Movements of Azawad (CMA) on the Malian Government as a condition of its participation in the signing in Bamako , on June 20, 2015 of the Algiers Peace Agreement, included, among others, the following requirements:

- " The Defense and Security Forces (FDS) inside Azawad will be 80% made up of Azawad nationals as well as at the level of command posts ";

- “ During the interim period, set up special mixed units comprising 80% of Azawad nationals ”;

- " The defense and security zones will be under the command of a national of Azawad."

It's clear: in perspective, " the reconstituted Malian army»Will not be the return of our adequately equipped, secure and morally sharp National Army, that is to say our powerful defense tool and the major instrument of our national sovereignty but rather an ethnic and anti-republican army. We understand better the intervention of Mossa ag Attaher delegate CMA - Coordination of Movements of Azawad, to the inclusive national dialogue. He had forcefully declared there the rebels' attachment to Mali, to its integrity. It's still duplicity. They still occupy as far as I know Kidal, and expect us to give their little minority an honorable place. They and their advisers and friends especially understood the determination of the Malian people in their fight against their conspiracy which is far from having ended.



SISSOKO Cheick Oumar, Filmmaker, Former Minister



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