Progressive Think Tank To Release 50-Page Report Saying Trump Colluded With Russia

AUGUST 02, 2017

Trump Image Provided By The Hill

The progressive think tank Center for American Progress (CAP) is reportedly preparing to publish a report alleging that President Trump's campaign colluded with Russia.

According to a Tuesday report by Buzz Feed News, CAP will release the report on Wednesday, which presents the argument for Congressional Democrats that Trump's campaign staff colluded with the Kremlin.

"We're ... trying to convey that it's time to stop beating around the bush on Trump's collusion with Russia. There is a mountain of evidence that Trump and his associates colluded with Russia and it's time to start saying so," Adam Jentleson, a senior strategic adviser for CAP, told BuzzFeed.

"We think it's time to be a lot more forward-leading because the evidence is overwhelming."

The imminent release of the report comes as the special counsel's probe into Russia's election meddling and potential ties between Trump campaign staff members and Moscow deepen.

The think tank is planning to present the report, which totals almost 50 pages, to "key offices" in Congress, the report said.


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