Hoha! (Pointblank): Nigeria is a Terrorist State

"What the US did is a punishment to Nigerians, not the government. They are harassing the people by that decision. Agreed, we have our internal problems as a country, but they would have looked at other ways of dealing with the problem. Apart from harassment, many people may decide to cancel their trips. I am already revisiting my dairy to put off some trips. Travelling on its own is a burden; the situation at the moment has further been worsened by this restriction. Already, you can no longer check in on some airlines on the Internet. The moment the word Nigeria appears, you cannot go further, even though every other thing was done. These are consequences for us and this is what I want the US government to understand. They are harassing the people, not the government."

------- Wole Soyinka, Nobel Luareate speaking with journalists in Lagos, Nigeria

"Nigeria expresses its disappointment and concern of the undeserved placement of Nigeria on the countries of interest list and views this action as having the potential of undermining longstanding and established U.S.-Nigeria bilateral ties,"

------- Dora Akunyili, Nigeria Information Minister disappointed on US listing Nigeria among the terrorist nations.

"I am sure that you have been observing the trend in the media and we are referring to the issue of America listing Nigeria as one of the 14 countries to be placed under watch. I am speaking on behalf of the Senate and on behalf of the Senate President to state categorically that we are very unhappy about the development and when we resume, we are going to take up this matter seriously if America has not taken Nigeria off that list. We also want to advise America that in their own best interest, they should conduct this matter very well in a manner that will not result in diplomatic row between America and Nigeria because the American president had, himself, clearly admitted that this was a failure of the system and manpower of Americans and I don’t see where Nigeria comes in there."

------- Senator Ayogu Eze, Senate Committee Chairman in Information and Media on the Senate Floor of Nigeria's National Assembly soundbiting America

"Nigeria is now a terrorist state that is not news anymore. The news now is that all Nigerians traveling to the US and some European countries will now seem to regret having the green passport. That Nigeria will sooner than later join the league of terrorists states or rogue states was almost predictable. What with the haste Nigeria was dragged into the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) in 1986. What with the zeal with which some so called Islamic countries fall over themselves competing to Islamize Nigeria at all cost despite the fact that 50% of their own citizens leave below the poverty line. A good look at the landscape of Nigeria will tell you that every available space is being converted into a mosque..."

------- Ndiameeh Babrik, Modern Ghana

"Reading the views of the ruling class of BiafraNigeria, on the US action of including Nigeria in the list of terrorist states, shows we are yet to understand that the US is a country, which takes the security of the lives and investments of its citizens seriously. How can anyone fail to see that all the unprovoked and persistent killing of innocent Christians in the North particularly since the North commenced its agenda of islamizing Nigeria through the introduction and forceful implementaion of Sharia, did not influence the terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab? The boy was right there, in the North till he was 13 years, his impressionable years. He saw those who worshiped with him in the same mosque routinely murder thousands of Christians, burn their churches and rape their women because their Imams openly dub them (Christians) infidels and promise them heavingly rewards of 12 virgins if they die while killing Christians. He saw fellow Muslims in the North celebrate Osama bin-Laden when WTC was bombed on 9/11, 2001.They even made and wore t-shirts with Osama bin-Laden's picture. It became a fashion statement for them in the North and no one challenged them. He knew they went on a killing spree of Christians because of a cartoon in far away European country. Besides, he heard Osama bin-Laden's admonition to Nigerian Muslims to overthrow the infidel government of Olusegun Obasanjo some years back. Yet we fail to acknowledge these facts. As far as I am concerned, Northern Nigeria is a hotbed for growing real and potential terrorists. Therefore, Nigeria is a terrorist State. It is clear now because the Muslims have gone beyond the borders of Nigeria."

------- Icheoku, BiafraNigeriaWorld on Nigeria is a terrorist state.

"Nigeria is a terror sponsor state and should be branded a such, calling Nigeria a place of interest at this moment despite the fact the Nigerian oligarchy has not and will never condemn terrorism is absurd, an action the Western authorities will defiantly regret in the long run. These people live and thrive in terror, killing Christians for them is like watching a baseball match in America. The Obama administration has the duty to inform the American public of the truth about Nigeria. He must encourage Gordon Brown to loosen the conspiracy of the British government and the Nigeria northern oligarchy to hold on to power by means of terrorism and in turn, allow Britain unlimited access to oil in the Christian South. It's now down to oil money or American lives. DIVIDE NIGERIA AND MICRO MANAGE THE TERRORIST NORTH."

------- Ikenga Iguedo, BiafraNigeriaWorld on Nigeria is a terrorist state.


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