Editorials Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The demotion of ribadu and others

LAST week, the Police Service Commission(PSC), announced the demotion of Mr. Nuhu Ribadu and 139 other serving and dead police officers. [NIGERIAN TRIBUNE]

US apology for slavery

IT seems to be a season of apologies these days. First, there was the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologising to the aborigines who were grossly maltreated and dehumanised by the British Settlers exiled by Her Majesty to that Island continent. [DAILY CHAMPION]

Bakassi: A futile handover?

GOING by the last available pronouncement of the Attorney-General of the Federation, Chief Michael Aondoakaa (SAN), on the issue, the Yar’Adua administration is set, as from Thursday (tomorrow), August 14, to fully withdraw all Nigerian civil and law-enforcement authorities from the Bakassi Peninsula [THE PUNCH]


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