Living In A strange Olympic World


Olympic Gold Medalist Marion Jones has tears in her eyes while speaking to the media outside the U.S District Court House in White Plains, New York on October 5, 2007. Image: John A. Angelillo

The sports world has crashed again with scandals of doping popping up on lies and all kinds of stuff regarding sprinters the entire world thought were genuine. No one would talk about FloJo. Marion Jones, after testifying in a New York court for taking the steroid tetrahydrogestrinone for the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and after years of denial, returned the said medals she won at the games. What a disgrace? Not really! She may not have known what her alleged trainers were giving her which sums up the world of commerce that we live in.

Who knows who is doing what and who has done what? Ben Johnson, after testing positive in the Olympics, running faster than any human and beating Carl Lewis hands down in a tournament never seen before, was stripped of his Olympic gold medal. Apparently, no lesson was learned from Johnson's episode, and more likely, more heads will roll. It is the strange Olympic world, and you bet, the drama continues.


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